Calendar and Timetable

This page displays our 2025 calendar so that you can see when our trains are running.

 Our timetables are also displayed for reference.

Please note: special event timetables and fares will be added to the dedicated page for that event.


Today’s Trains

Tue 25 March 2025

No service today.

          1Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable Incline Services OperatingIncline Services Operating Wirksworth Shopper TrainWirksworth Shopper Train 2Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable
3 4 5 6 7 8Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable 9Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable
10 11 12 13 14 15Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable 16Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable
17 18 19 20 21 22Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable 23Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable
24 25 26 27 28 29Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable 30Yellow TimetableYellow Timetable
 Blue Timetable
 Yellow Timetable
 Ravenstor Incline
 Purple Timetable
 Special Event Timetable
 Green Timetable
 Early Market Special

* There is no service on days coloured white on the interactive calendar.

Our trains are heritage and occasionally unforeseen breakdowns etc can occur therefore we reserve the right to change the type of locomotive advertised at short notice.

Timetable Key:

The colours across the top of the timetable correspond to the colours on the calendar to indicate the type of train in operation on that particular day.

Yellow days are scheduled to be steam hauled.

Purple days are scheduled to be diesel hauled.

Blue days are scheduled for the diesel railcar.

* Orange' days refer to special events. A specific timetable may be in operation and will be published on the corresponding event page when made available.

** On the first Saturday of each month between March and November, a special early railcar service will depart from Duffield to Wirksworth for the monthly farmer's market. The railcar will then operate on our incline from Wirksworth to Ravenstor throughout the day.

EVR Leaflet 2020

Why not download our Timetable and Guide 2020?

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